Temperatures in February

Due to its altitude of 450 metres (1,500 feet) above sea level, the February weather in Marrakech can have two climates. During the day when the sun shines a short sleeve t-shirt is adequate. However as soon a dusk descends the air temperature will get noticeably cooler. Therefore, it is essential to carry appropriate clothing for the winter evenings. That being said, the latter part of February can be notably brighter and a couple of degrees warmer.


The average daily maximum temperature is 20c, while the average daily minimum temperature is just 7c.


On average with 11 hours of daylight per day generally there will be 8 hours of sunshine.


February is one of the wettest months, with 7 days on average of rainfall, however it never rains all day.Most of the months rainfall will occur during the night and early morning. By the afternoon the sun will usually be shining.


In February, the wind also kicks up a little, which can make it feel cooler, depending on the wind direction. Winds from the west can feel cold, but a pleasant breeze from the Sahara in the East can actually raise the average temperatures for the month.

February Weather statistics for Marrakech
Compare with January weather