Marrakech RAK Airport Departures
Here you can check the status of all flight departures from Marrakech RAK airport. With recent issiues with air traffic control it is important to know if and when the flight has departed. Below are listed the most recent scheduled flights due to depart from Marrakech Menara (RAK) airport. If there has been a change to the departure time, then an estimated time is given to indicate when a flight will likely leave Marrakesh:
For Arrivals
Waiting for the flight to depart
Once you have gone through security you can explore the many shops at RAK airport. This can keep most passengers entertained while they wait for their boarding gate to be announced. Also there are some restaurants that can keep you alerted to any updates on your departure time from the many digital displays outlining the full list of flight RAK departures.
Can I claim compensation if a flight is delayed or cancelled?
If your scheduled flight is delayed for over 3 hours and the air miles is between 1,500km – 3,500km your airline has to compensate you if the delay was caused by the airline:
- meals and refreshments – usually in the form of vouchers
- accommodation if you are delayed overnight, including the journey costs to and from the hotel to the airport.
If airlines cannot provide vouchers, it is important that any receipts for purchases are kept, then you can claim costs back from the airline.
If the delay is out of the airlines control like bad weather, or air traffic control issues, or even if a safety concern is causing the delay, then it is unlikely you will be compensated. However, depending on your travel insurance protection, you may be entitled to seek compensation from your insurer if the delay was not caused by the airline.